Owlproject.org representatives Jordan-Michael Hardey and Sara Orchardson held a talk with the residents of Willows Estate in Kelland about the importance of owls in the environment on April 4.
Owlproject.org representatives Jordan-Michael Hardey and Sara Orchardson held a talk with the residents of Willows Estate in Kelland about the importance of owls in the environment on April 4.
"Now that the bats are breeding productively, the team’s research can be replicated more easily. They have shared bat tissue with about a dozen teams around the world. “Bats have become a hot topic,” says Wang."
"Regenerative agriculture enables farmers and ranchers to sequester enormous amounts of carbon in the soil — and at a profit. If farmers around the world adopt the practice, it will start to roll climate change backward."
"Above and belowground, perennial crops including wheat, grasses, trees, and more provide habitat and nutrition to creatures that help make ecosystems whole."
'I didn't know what I was letting myself in for, when I volunteered to take on the dawn patrol duties, after the release of the rescued owls in January. But this has been an experience to nurture and enjoy I while can." - Nicky Sadler.
"When he first escaped from his vandalized enclosure at New York City's Central Park Zoo, handlers of Flaco, a Eurasian eagle owl, doubted he could survive on his own after spending most of his life in captivity."